When you sow prayers and finances into the ministerial work of The Apostolic Hub and Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker (PMT Ministries), the covenant of partnership and the two way flow of blessings begin.
There are many different definitions of the word partner. In the Hebrew the word “Chabar” (Strong’s Number 2266) means to join and to build upon. The beautiful part of the word “Chabar” is that it becomes a root for many other joining words such as a society, a companion, and a coupling.
Therefore, the invitation to partnership can be the beginning of many beautiful things. I do not take partnership lightly. I believe many special blessings will be yours from joining into partnership with me.
Some of the benefits of partnership include…
- Access to powerful teachings and content provided to registered partners only
- Early notification of events, conferences and publications
- Regular emails designed for registered partners
- Special blessing and prayer covering dedicated to registered partners
Why not take the time now to become a partner with Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker today.
The mission of The Apostolic Hub and Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker Ministries is to challenge, inspire and equip believers to live up to their full potential and fulfill all that God has destined them to be.
This mission is accomplished in three main areas.
Building Faith – The scriptures declare that, “Without faith is it impossible to please God.” The Apostolic Hub and PMT Ministries exist to bring faith to the body of Christ. This is accomplished through ministries such as I Just Believe (www.ijustbelieve.org), “800 BE READY” (www.1800BeReady.com) and The Apostolic Hub (www.theapostolichub.com).
Missions – The Apostolic Hub and PMT Ministries believes in the active fulfillment of Christ’s mission to the widows and orphans worldwide. As an internationally recognized figure, Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker is an ambassador of hope and healing.
Training & Teaching – The Apostolic Hub and PMT Ministries acknowledges that change occurs for the believer when they have access to teaching that equip and challenge them to grow. Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker has a God-given mandate to bring forth Divine Information and Revelation for this set time.
When you sow prayers and finances into the ministerial work of The Apostolic Hub and Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker (PMT Ministries), the covenant of partnership and the two way flow of blessings begin.
There are many different definitions of the word partner. In the Hebrew the word “Chabar” (Strong’s Number 2266) means to join and to build upon. The beautiful part of the word “Chabar” is that it becomes a root for many other joining words such as a society, a companion, a coupling.
Therefore, the invitation to partnership can be the beginning of many beautiful things. I do not take partnership lightly. I believe many special blessings will be yours from joining into partnership with me.
Some of the benefits of partnership include…
- Access to powerful teachings and content provided to registered partners only
- Early notification of events, conferences and publications
- Regular emails designed for registered partners
- Special blessing and prayer covering dedicated to registered partners
Why not take the time now to become a partner with Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker today.
The mission of The Apostolic Hub and Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker Ministries is to challenge, inspire and equip believers to live up to their full potential and fulfill all that God has destined them to be.
This mission is accomplished in three main areas.
Building Faith – The scriptures declare that, “Without faith is it impossible to please God.” The Apostolic Hub and PMT Ministries exist to bring faith to the body of Christ. This is accomplished through ministries such as I Just Believe (www.ijustbelieve.org), “800 BE READY” (www.1800BeReady.com) and The Apostolic Hub (www.theapostolichub.com).
Missions – The Apostolic Hub and PMT Ministries believes in the active fulfillment of Christ’s mission to the widows and orphans worldwide. As an internationally recognized figure, Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker is an ambassador of hope and healing.
Training & Teaching – The Apostolic Hub and PMT Ministries acknowledges that change occurs for the believer when they have access to teaching that equip and challenge them to grow. Apostle Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker has a God-given mandate to bring forth Divine Information and Revelation for this set time
Phone (855) 33 PATTI
Email [email protected]
Ministry Headquarters
22822 US 20 West
South Bend, Indiana 46628
Mailing Address
PO Box 3289
South Bend, Indiana 46619
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Affiliate Ministries
Dr. Patti.org
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Help For The Wounded Soul
Victory Lighthouse Christian Church
I Just Believe Ministries
© 2019 Dr. Patti Mack-Tucker
All Rights Reserved